February 2, 2013

Starting with CUBRID - The easy way

Many people ask me “Hey – I want to start playing with CUBRID and, for a quick start, I just need the essential information – some beginners guide or something... Where can I find this?
My answer was usually “Sure – just go to www.cubrid.org – you will find everything in there – check the menus, the search and so on…
But many times, the feedback I got is “I tried, but that’s too complicated…! ...there’s so much information, and the search returns hundreds of pages – it’s too much to deal with…
Slowly, I started to realize that there is truth in this and, as time goes by, more and more information is added on the official site, potentially confusing for a CUBRID beginner.
Actually, not only for a beginner, I also find myself lost sometimes… :)

And so I decided it’s time to put up a small repository of CUBRID links – The essential beginner CUBRID links guide! Here it is:

You start with CUBRID by downloading CUBRID RDMS (the engine) from here.

Because CUBRID RDMS does NOT come with a GUI client, the next thing to do is to download and install the CUBRID Manager Client.

Here is where you go when you need help and documentation:

Source code:
CUBRID is open-source. Here is where you can find the source code for its components:


  • The CUBRID JDBC driver comes automatically with the RDBMS installation – you will find it in the \Jdbc installation subfolder.
  • Also with the RDBMS installation comes the OLE DB driver – you will find it in the \Bin installation subfolder.

Ask for help and Interact:
Need to talk to the community, ask questions, and share information?

Need to stay up-to-date? This is what you use:

What else?
Other stuff:

Finally, here is a map between MySQL and CUBRID components:
MySQL Community Server
MySQL Workbench
MySQL Workbench - Migrate from Microsoft SQL Server
MySQL Connector/.NET
MySQL Connector/ODBC
MySQL Connector/PHP
MySQL Notifier for Microsoft Windows
MySQL command line utilities
MySQL Cluster

I hope you will find this useful - see you next time – Bye-bye! :)

P.S. Let’s mention also the social networks CUBRID links:

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